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 Lighthouse offers many ministries that members   may participate in to grow in their faith, their       teamwork and their leadership development!

Prayer Group


Prayer Group is the main context for personal discipleship at Lighthouse. This group is designed to challenge men and women to grow as faithful and fruitful followers of Jesus Christ. Prayer Group offers an environment that encourages personal change toward Christ-likeness through prayer, accountability, fellowship, and real-life support.

Praise & Worship


We believe God is seeking those who would worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Our desire is that as we gather each week we encourage one another to engage passionately in worship that encompasses our entire being because of the truth that God has rescued us from our sin. We seek to engage both our heads and our hearts every time we gather.  Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. In other words, we are to involve our entire being - mind, will, emotions, and physical strength in the worship of our great God.

Sunday School - Toddlers & Youth 


Our desire is to motivate children to build spiritually healthy friendships with others, challenge children to serve others with love, teach children to imitate Christ, encourage children to magnify the Lord in worship and prayer, and mobilize children to boldly go out  and share the gospel.  Toddlers and Preschool: ages 2-5 /  Children: grades 1-6

 Sunday School- Teen Ministry


Lighthouse Teen Ministry exists to help students grow in their love for God through worship & discipleship and grow in their love for others through Fellowship, Ministry, and Evangelism. Mt 22:36-40  

Teens: grades 7-12

Ushers, Security, & Hospitality


Lighthouse offers an opportunity to be the "Watchmen" for our members' safety and to provide support for our elders, leadership teams, and teaching staff.  Ushers are an important part of our hospitality as well, and are often the members seen first at every event and church service!  In addition, we have another hospitality group who provide welcome-visitor cards & gifts to new parishioners and they also provide the monthly luncheons and  event planning for our church members and for special occasions!

Community Service

Lighthouse partners with many sister churches for a variety of fundraisers and benefits, AND we partner with the FISH Program to minister to God's children by providing food assistance. It is our desire to make every effort to meet the physical needs as well as the spiritual needs of those who are in need. We provide non-perishable foods only by participating in the FISH program, and we will be glad to accept donations of non-perishable food items and financial donations.

Missions- Global Projects in Africa

Our desire... for the name of Jesus to be exalted and His fame to be known.  We believe God has called us to spread the Gospel not only around the world, but also right here in our own back yard.  That's why we are committed to reaching people near and far.


Our priorities...


We support projects in Accra & Bolgatanga, Ghana, & Kenya!

Previous mission projects were in: El Salvador, Brazil, &

Louisiana, USA!

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